March 2018 - September 2018
WAEMU and CEMAC zone countries
African Development Bank (AfDB)

Mapping of the remittances market in the two franc zones, namely WAEMU and CEMAC, and identification of risks and of the opportunities of digitizing remittances.

The African Development Bank asked HORUS DF to carry out research in five franc-zone countries in order to get a better understanding of the opportunities of digitizing remittances, from an end-user and offer perspective, and of the risks and challenges this creates for supervisory and regulatory authorities.

The services provided consisted in:

  • Mapping of the players was carried out together with an analysis of risks and opportunities in operational and cost-related terms, but also regulatory and legal aspects
  • HORUS DF then formulated recommendations to the AfDB with regard to setting up an innovative ecosystem for the remittances market within and across the two franc zones
  • The study was conducted in partnership with HORUS Telecom & Utilities and Behring
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