June 2018 - July 2018
Ivory Coast
Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation

Design and facilitation of the training module on the financing of agricultural value chains, for Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation’s beneficiaries’ managers.

The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation offers thematic training to the managers of its partner MFIs as part of its annual seminars bringing together the African Facility’s MFI partners.

The Foundation called on HORUS DF to design and facilitate a 2.5-day session on agricultural value chain finance, based on a participatory approach that mixes exercises and case studies with direct presentations, and built as follows:

  • Agricultural credit specificities and constraints
  • Definition and presentation of value chain financing schemes
  • Building a value chain finance scheme: tools and methods to negotiate a value chain partnership, design a product and a mechanism
  • Introduction to the digitization of agricultural value chains

The Foundation also called upon HORUS DF to facilitate a training day on these issues with management and at the Foundation’s headquarters.

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