Selected Assignments

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Study on financing mechanisms to support the agro-ecological transition in the ECOWAS region

October 2022 - December 2023
ECOWAS member states
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) commission

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Support for the "Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Senegal" Program

May 2023
Senegal's Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation (MEPC), KfW funding

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External evaluation of CERISE’s extra-financial reporting of impact organizations

July 2023 - November 2023

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Active in more than 50 countries in the emerging & developing world

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ACAD Finance - Palestine; ADA Luxembourg; Advans International; African Development Bank; African Local Currency Bond Fund (ALCB Fund); Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance (AKAM); Agence Française de Développement (AFD) - French Development Agency; Agricultural Bank of Niger (BAGRI); Al Amana - Morocco; Al Baraka - Morocco; Al Karama - Morocco; Amen Bank Tunisia; Amret - Cambodia; Asala Company for Credit and Development - Palestine; Association Marocaine Solidarité Sans Frontières/Micro Crédit (AMSSF) - Morocco; Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions (AEMFI); ASUSU SA - Niger; Bank Andara - Indonesia; Bank of Africa (BOA) Madagascar; Bank of Papua New Guinea; Banque Agricole et Commerciale du Burkina (BACB) - Burkina Faso; Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole (BNDA) - Mali; Boulder Institute of Microfinance - US; Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion - Morocco; Caisses d’Epargne et de Crédit Agricole Mutuelles (CECAM) network - Madagascar; Capital Bank - Haiti; Central Bank of Sudan; Central Bank of the Comoros; Central Bank of West African States  (BCEAO); CERISE France; Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP); CoopMed - Belgium; Crédit Agricole du Maroc Group - Morocco; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - Germany ; Development Bank of Ghana; Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) - Bangladesh; ECOM Trading - Switzerland; ECOWAS; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI); European Investment Bank (EIB); FECECAM Benin; Finadev Benin; Finadev Tchad - Chad; Financial BC Togo; Finéa - Morocco; FirstBank - Nigeria; First MicroFinance Bank (FMFB) - Afghanistan; Fondation Crédit Coopératif - France; FPM ASBL - Democratic Republic of Congo; FPM SA - Democratic Republic of Congo; FUCEC - Togo; Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation - France; IFC and Mastercard Foundation; IMON International - Tajikistan; International Finance Corporation (IFC); International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); IRAM Association - France; Jaida - Morocco; Kafo Jiginew - Mali; Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) - Germany; La Banque Agricole (LBA) - Senegal; Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming (L3F) - FAO; LUX Development - Luxembourg; Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) Group; Microbanco Confiança SA; Ministry of Agriculture – Côte d’Ivoire; Ministry of Agriculture - Egypt; Ministry of Agriculture - Tunisia; Ministry of Economy and Finance - Cambodia; Ministry of Finance - Burkina Faso; Ministry of Finance - Cameroon; Ministry of Finance - Côte d'Ivoire; Ministry of Finance - Romania; Ministry of Foreign Affairs - France; Ministry of Mines and Energy - Togo; Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy Niger; MUCODEC - Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville); National Bank of Rwanda (BNR); Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO); Orange Financial Services (France); PROPARCO (AFD) - France; Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-saharan Africa (REGMIFA); Renshou Village and Township Bank - China; Rural Development Bank - Cambodia; SANAD; SIPEM; Societé Générale Bénin; Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l'Investissement (SIDI) - France; South Asia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF); State Bank of Pakistan (SBP); Swiss Capacity Building Facility (SCBF); Symbiotics - UK; TagPay - France; Tanaadi SA - Niger; The Agriculture and Rural Training (FAR) International Network - France; The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA); The European Solidarity Financing Fund for Africa (ESFFA ); The Professional Association of Decentralized Financial Systems of Côte d'Ivoire (APSFD-CI); The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; Togolese Post Office (SPT); Togolese Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies Agency; Union des Mutuelles d’Epargne et de Crédit Ya Komor (U-MECK) - Comoros; Union Régionale des Sanduk d'Anjouan (URSA) - Comoros; Universal Postal Union; United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Vietnamese Belgian Credit Project; Wages - Togo; West African Development Bank (BOAD) ; World Bank; World Bank Financial Services Project (PASEF) - Madagascar; XacBank – Mongolia.