June 2022 - August 2022
Microbanco Confiança SA, SIDI funding

Co-design of a digital strategy for Microbanco Confiança SA, a local microfinance institution operating mostly in rural areas in Mozambique

In a fast-changing environment, Microbanco Confiança SA (McbC) wished to design its digital strategy in order to better serve its clients with e-channel services, especially in rural areas.
The co-design aspect of the digital strategy was identified as a key success factor for the project such as to guarantee the institution’s ownership of the strategy.
HORUS provided the following services:

  • A study of clients’ needs and behaviours with regards to going digital, including an analysis of needs in terms of financial and digital education
  • An analysis of the Mozambican digital finance ecosystem, especially the offer from banks, microfinance institutions and fintechs
  • A diagnosis of the institution’s aspirations and its technical and organizational capabilities
  • Co-design of the digital strategy and the digital roadmap to start preparing the implementation phase
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