May 2022 - October 2022
Société des Postes du Togo (SPT), Universal Postal Union (UPU) funding

Co-design of a digital strategy for the Togo Post Office to design, develop and operationalize digital financial products and services that meet the needs of its customers

The digital strategy was developed jointly by the Togo Post Office and HORUS, Togo Post Office staff were involved throughout the whole process to ensure their support and ownership of the strategic orientations. The services provided by HORUS consisted of:

  • Assessment of the market: assessment of financial inclusion and digital financial services in Togo
  • Assessment of Togo Post Office’s positioning with regard to the ecosystem;
  • Evaluation of the performance of Togo Post Office’s digital financial services, including assessment of client feedback;
  • Co-elaboration of the digital financial services strategy with a corresponding action plan.
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