October 2020 - August 2021
International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Digital Financial Services and financial inclusion in Morocco: market level assessment and analysis of gender-related gaps
The objective of the study was to conduct an assessment of financial inclusion, as well as of the ecosystem of Digital Financial Services (DFS) across the country in order to understand opportunities for improving the payment ecosystem, and financial inclusion more generally. One of the objectives was to identify specific barriers faced by women regarding digital financial inclusion. HORUS’ assignment consisted in:

  • An analysis of the policy and regulatory environment and of the current supply of DFS and inclusive financial services. The research analyzed specifically existing offers for excluded segments, notably women
  • An assessment of gender-focused demand through individual interviews with 1,200 individuals and 300 MSMEs, and through focus groups
  • An analysis of the key constraints and opportunities to increase access to finance in general and to DFS, with a focus on women
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