May 2015 - May 2017
Advans Cameroon, International Finance Corporation (IFC) / Mastercard foundation funding

Technical assistance for Advans Cameroun in the development of innovative delivery channels and mobile solutions for optimized deployment in rural areas, with an omnichannel and digital approach.

The Advans Cameroun MFI selected HORUS DF to provide support in its project to sustainably develop rural financing. In addition to TA for the development of rural credit schemes, HORUS DF supported the MFI in its rural expansion through the development of innovative, affordable, delivery channels and secure Digital Financial Services (DFS).

HORUS DF supported Advans Cameroun via interventions in the field in Cameroon and remote support from the head office in:

  • General project management
  • Studies and preliminary evaluations of existing channels and the identification of future opportunities
  • Definition of the omnichannel and digital strategy
  • Economic modelling of channels and technology options
  • The implementation of pilots and roll-outs for the following projects: Mobile agents (Advans Cameroun staff), third-party agents, and integration with the Orange Money e-wallet
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