July 2020 - June 2021
Senegal, Niger, Mali
French Development Agency (AFD)

Retrospective evaluation of three thematic credit lines and a balance sheet consolidation line granted by the AFD to the West African Development Bank (BOAD) between 2009 and 2016.

Under its ex-post evaluation system, the French Development Agency (AFD) evaluates the projects and programs it finances, after their completion. HORUS DF carried out the retrospective evaluation of three thematic credit lines and a balance sheet consolidation line granted to the West African Development Bank (BOAD) between 2009 and 2016. The evaluation had to, more broadly, taketook into account all the support provided by AFD to BOAD over the period covered by the four projects, including strategic dialogue, support and advice, and exchange of expertise. Moreover, the evaluation had to provide recommendations to AFD regarding its role and positioning towards national and regional public development banks in general.

HORUS DF carried out the evaluation through the following:

  • Description of the objects of the evaluation through a documentation review and interviews with key AFD and BOAD staff and design of a detailed methodology framework to conduct the assessment
  • Evaluation of the four credit lines and of a sample of projects financed by BOAD via these credit lines
  • Synthesis of the evolution of AFD’s positioning towards BOAD over the years
  • Recommendations to AFD regarding its role and positioning towards national and regional public development banks
  • Organization of a collaborative workshop with AFD and BOAD to discuss the conclusions and fine-tune the recommendations
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