May 2020 - August 2020
SIPEM Banque, European Solidarity Financing Fund for Africa (FEFISOL) funding

Support to SIPEM Banque in defining its digitalization strategy and the corresponding action plan, as part of the development of its financial offer and formulation of a new overall strategy.

SIPEM (Société d’Investissement pour la Promotion des Entreprises à Madagascar) was created in 1990 on the initiative of APEM (Association pour la Promotion de l’Entreprise Malgache) and SIDI (Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l’Investissement) with the objective of supporting Malagasy micro and small enterprises. It developed its activities gradually and was transformed into a territorial bank in 2014, while maintaining its focus on the initial target clientele. SIPEM Banque needed support in defining its digitalization strategy and the corresponding action plan.

In this context, HORUS was contracted to: perform the following:

  • Analysis of the institution’s overall strategy and projects for development
  • Review of internal organization and processes
  • Diagnosis of ongoing and previous digital projects and lessons learnt
  • Analysis of the environment (infrastructure and regulation) and of the digital financial offer on the market, analysis of the potential partners
  • International benchmarking of digital finance experiences and best practices
  • Facilitation of participatory workshops with managers in order to develop the digital strategy
  • Defining of the digital strategy and action plan
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