July 2023 - November 2023

External evaluation of CERISE’s “LabODD” project to provide a roadmap for the extra-financial reporting of impact organizations (microfinance institutions, social enterprises and investors)

The CERISE NGO requested an external evaluation of its project "LabODD: Making the SDGs a roadmap for impact" in preparation for financing of a second phase by the French development agency (AFD). This project, conducted in various African and Asian countries between 2020 and 2023, aims to equip and support impact organizations (microfinance institutions, social enterprises and investors) so that they adopt and apply results-based management and reporting, centered on beneficiaries and linked to the SDGs.

HORUS provided the following services:

  • Review of reference documents and current results measurement initiatives
  • Development of evaluation questions, data collection methods and tools (online questionnaire, interview guides)
  • Collection of qualitative and quantitative data
  • Preparation of the evaluation report and formulation of recommendations
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