October 2022 - November 2023
FirstBank Nigeria, British International Investment (BII) funding

Technical assistance for FirstBank Nigeria in order to help better address women entrepreneurs: data mapping, analysis of the client database, analysis of needs, review of the value proposition offer and design of a gender strategy.

FirstBank Nigeria (FBN) serves over 31 million customers and has established different initiatives to address women entrepreneurs. Horus supported FirstBank Nigeria in better identifying the businesses owned and led by women that are part of the bank’s portfolio, and to develop a strategy to better adress women.
Horus carried out the following work:

  • Evaluation of the availability of data that will enable identification of women entrepreneurs
  • Analysis of the client base in order to identify the different uses of financial services between men and women
  • Market study to better understand the needs of women entrepreneurs
  • Competition analysis
  • Definition of a gender strategy for the bank, along with a time-bound implementation plan
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