October 2019 - December 2023
West African and Central African countries
European Investment Bank (EIB)

Technical assistance and capacity building for EIB partner final beneficiaries in West and Central Africa to deploy funding in an efficient, responsible and sustainable manner, in accordance with the EIB’s standards and requirements.

The Technical Assistance (TA) operation is composed of four components : 1) Ensure compliance with EIB processes and requirements; 2) Design and deliver tailor made capacity building and training/coaching programs to final beneficiaries ; 3) Support or establish local banking academy structures; and 4) Raise the level of financial literacy, improving managerial capacity and building entrepreneurship skills of current and potential final beneficiaries in order to ensure adequate loan servicing and submission of bankable projects.
The services provided were:

  • Diagnosis of final beneficiaries needs
  • Design of TA action plans
  • Production of the inception report
  • Support for final beneficiaries in their compliance and management of EIB procedures & requirements
  • Customized individual technical assistance for financial institutions
  • Organization of virtual Academies, including design and moderation of online training sessions
  • Organization of a series of MSME outreach events aimed at marketing the EIB loans.
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