December 2018 - November 2021
Union of Savings and Credit Mutuals of the Comoros (U-MECK) and Regional Union of Sanduk of Anjouan (URSA), French Development Agency (AFD) funding

Technical Assistance for the two main microfinance institutions of the Comoros for development of financing for the productive sector

The Comorian productive sector is poorly developed, with a heavy dependency on imports. The sector’s limited access to sources of funds is also a hindrance to its development. The AFSP program offers a combination of financial resources (credit lines) and technical assistance to the two major decentralized financial institutions (DFIs) in order to address the key constraints of access to finance for the productive sector.

HORUS DF conducted the project feasibility studies between 2015 and 2017, and it has now been requested to provide technical assistance to the two DFIs in setting up financing mechanisms for the productive sector.

The services are organized in two distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: structural and transversal capacity building (governance, strategy, HR, credit, audit and internal control)
  • Phase 2: the development of products and services

HORUS provided remote support for project management and permanent field support for the implementation of projects.

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