June 2015 - July 2020
FINEA, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) funding

Technical assistance for FINEA – a public financial institution dedicated to SME finance – to reinforce its internal capacities, manage credit lines within its apex function, and develop non-financial services.

FINEA SA is a subsidiary of Moroccan financial institution Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion. Its mission is to contribute to SME sector growth by offering financing solutions in cooperation with the Moroccan banking sector. So far, it has approached MSMEs by underwriting the credit risk taken by local commercial banks. KfW has provided Finéa with credit lines in order to finance SMEs through the banking sector, as well as technical assistance to develop this apex function, broaden its direct financing offer to creditworthy SMEs and to design non-financial services for SMEs.

HORUS’ support consists of the following actions:

  • Strengthening the refinancing activity (procedures for partner bank evaluations, a selection methodology, disbursement procedures, monitoring processes and rules, reporting etc.)
  • Training FINEA’s staff in the commercialization of direct loans
  • Designing non-financial services for SMEs based on a study over 600 SMEs aimed at identifying their information and training needs, so as to increase their access to bank credit
  • Designing and implementing an Asset-Liability Management tool
  • Drawing up the Social and Environmental Policy and the corresponding action plan
  • Building a data collection and reporting system for measuring SME-targeted credit lines
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